PTIC Yahoo! Boohoo! Table
Tuesday, August 13th, 8:45-9:30 am
Roxborough Primary School, outside in front of the school
Tuesday, August 13th, 8:45-9:30 am
Roxborough Primary School, outside in front of the school
Kindergarten Parents!
Some of us are crying,
Teary-eyed and blue.
Some of us are cheering
"I'm glad summer's through!"
Whatever the mood you're feeling,
Stop by and stay awhile.
We'll be here to greet you with a smile!
Please join Rox PTIC at the
Boohoo to Yahoo Table in the drop off area at Roxborough Primary.
Some of us are crying,
Teary-eyed and blue.
Some of us are cheering
"I'm glad summer's through!"
Whatever the mood you're feeling,
Stop by and stay awhile.
We'll be here to greet you with a smile!
Please join Rox PTIC at the
Boohoo to Yahoo Table in the drop off area at Roxborough Primary.