Wednesday, April 29 - Friday, May 1, 2020
Online Silent Auction
Online Silent Auction
We are so proud of Roxborough in the responses to COVID-19, especially the dedication RXPI has shown in making sure our students and families stay connected and supported through the transition to online learning.
The Principals, Vice-Principal, Teachers and Staff continue to go above and beyond! We know the kids can't wait until the school doors open again and we can physically embrace with love, laughter and learning. In support of making sure that our school continues to thrive and get ready for the 2020-2021 academic year, the PTIC Auction Committee is excited to be able to offer the 2020 Roxborough Community Auction completely online, free of charge to all! While times are unprecedented and uncertain for many, involvement in the auction is always voluntary and has the goal of supporting our schools in any financial amount possible. Donated items have been collected over the last several months that will bring joy, entertainment and excitement towards the future! Bidding STARTS April 29th at 7am Bidding ENDS May 1st at 8pm, BUT bidding for a specific item will remain open until 1-minute passes without a bid being placed on THAT item. The 1-minute timer will reset each time a bid is placed after 8p. Click here to register for your spot in the online silent auction |
Looking for Out of This World Auction Donations
Do you have a vacation rental, tickets to an event, services, etc that you can donate to our auction night? Email [email protected]
Classroom Auction Basket Coordinators Needed
We need your help and creativity for our classroom auction baskets! Sign up to manage your classroom's auction basket here!
Do you have a vacation rental, tickets to an event, services, etc that you can donate to our auction night? Email [email protected]
Classroom Auction Basket Coordinators Needed
We need your help and creativity for our classroom auction baskets! Sign up to manage your classroom's auction basket here!